In this video, we teach you what to say to someone considering killing their unborn child. Partner with us in rescuing babies by donating today!...
When Does Life Begin
What Does The Bible Have To Say About Killing The Unborn
In this video we talk about what does the bible say about killing the unborn so you can answer anyone on the issue.
Based on the Bible is Abortion Murder? – Part 1 of Full Teaching
In this video we teach you to answer the question, "based on the Bible is abortion murder" so you can be effective in rescuing babies from death....
How Should People Respond to Abortion – Part 2 of Full Teaching
In this video we teach you to respond biblically to abortion so you can be effective in rescuing babies from death. This is Part 2 from our full...
How to Answer Objections to Abortion Ministry – Part 3 of Full Teaching
In this video we teach you to answer common objections to abortion ministry so you can be effective in rescuing babies from death. This is Part 1...