
Teaching              Interactions            Testimonies

Which One Is Worse?

Which One Is Worse?

In this video we examine heartstring arguments and why we must look to God’s word as the foundation for our moral decisions.

What Is Love?

What Is Love?

In this video we talk about common objections to sidewalk ministry and why we look to Jesus as the standard when it comes to loving our neighbor.

What Does God Hate?

What Does God Hate?

In this video we discuss what to say to someone considering an ab*rtion, and what scripture says about those who practice evil.

Women Are Not Victims

Women Are Not Victims

In this video we sit down with Not A Victim, which is a ministry that exposes the lie that women are the victim when it comes to killing their children in the womb.

Should Christians Be Involved In Politics?

Should Christians Be Involved In Politics?

After the death of Roe it is more important than ever that Christians be involved in politics, so that we can continue to take ground in the fight to rescue babies. We cannot stop until there is equal protection under the law for all human beings.

Life Begins At Conception

Life Begins At Conception

The starting point for communicating with legislators to rescue babies begins with the foundation of God’s word, and the scientific fact that life begins at conception.

The Gospel Saves Babies

The Gospel Saves Babies

In this video, we teach you how the gospel saves babies so you can be effective in rescuing babies from death. Partner with us in rescuing babies by...